Originally Posted By: Orac
...I know you are an expert but you aren't explaining why you are right you just saying I am an expert believe me which is Bill S complaint in the first place.

What?? Are you serious?? What a load of crap. I already explained exactly why I'm right, i.e. the non-existence of a photon rest frame is implied by the fact that the speed of light is the same in all inertial frames of reference. You don't think I've proved it because you're understanding of physics is just too poor to understand even that simple argument. That you can't understand a simple explanation is your problem, not mine. For cripes sake, I even had to explain to you the when I wrote "Let v = speed of light" that this didn't mean that the “v” was the velocity. Until your skill level increases to the point where you can understand even the most basic logical reasoning I will never respond to such nonsense posted by you ever again. You simply don’t have what it takes to understand it. When you grasp the fact that semantics and word games don’t count as physics arguments I’ll never respond to anything you ever post again because you keep proving to me that you’re unable to grasp it.