It’s interesting that an expression of frustration should be construed as moaning.

Why frustration? Because it is so easy to find experts expressing opposing views, sometimes quite aggressively, and it can be very confusing for a non-expert trying to form any sort of coherent picture.

Take my opening sentence for example. Is that wrong?

Can you not also find experts who say categorically that gravity is not a force; and those who say it definitely is a force?

Only today I found a reference to QM holding that a particle can be in more than one place at a time. You don’t have to look far to see that shot down.

We have already talked about claims that a particle can be here now, and on the other side of the Universe an instant later.

Then there is the question as to whether a particle has to move relative to the Higgs field in order to gain mass.

No one with any sense would expect experts to agree on everything, but when so many insist they are right, I think the diligent hitch-hiker should be allowed just a little frustration occasionally.

There never was nothing.