Woot there you go and see that doesn't involve what the speed of light ACTUALLY IS it is what happens at the speed of light that is important in my opinion and I am going to be careful here that it is my view, you can peel away all the mathematics and definitions.

That's all I was trying to drag out of you PMB to show Bill S that there is things far far more important than mathematics or definitions really strange things happen if it was real, he won't understand of that implication is so spell it out for him.

The point I was trying to make to him is decisions have consequences that are real and problematic and you can't just use mathematics or definitions to object or try and talk your way around them.

I don't know what the whole fight was about to be honest as I said you were right I just objected to how you explained it to a layman and with that answer in place I now totally agree with you. In your mind and science world the initial answer and that answer are the same and I fully accept that which is why I was trying to not offend you, but layman don't live in your world.

Last edited by Orac; 01/20/14 06:26 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.