Originally Posted By: Orac
The problem is posed in the post above you quantum transport energy how does that fit into the scheme.

The basic assumption by Newton that force can create acceleration has led to the wrong notion that 'energy transfer takes place whenever a force acts'. However, Newton did not explain how the energy transfer takes place. So later it was suggested that energy is transferred by transfer of virtual particles.

What I suggest is that 'for a force to act, no energy transfer is required between the bodies that interact. However, when a force acts, the internal energy of the body changes into speed and thus acceleration takes place. The acceleration will be proportional to the force only if the body has enough internal energy or it acquires enough energy from its surroundings.

The weak force is a dis-integrative force, and probably it is the potential energy (internal energy) or a pseudo force that causes the decay.

The strong force is attractive just like gravity. It can be the gravity at quantum level. The weak gravity we observe at the normal level is the spill over or residual force after the formation of atoms.