Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Orac, I followed your link and found it took me back to the OP!

“In the Standard Model of particle physics the weak interaction is theorised as being caused by the exchange (i.e. emission or absorption) of W and Z bosons;”

The energy involved in an exchange of particles must be kinetic energy, so the energy responsible for the weak force is kinetic energy.

Your going to have to explain how W & Z bosons are Kinetic energy?

They are the same as any point particle (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Point_particle) and all they do is spin. How do you get kinetic energy from something that has no radius spinning and they represent the very essence of the problem for you, as you are trying to confine the universe in a very classic sense and we know it fails.

You end up with kinetic energy from imaginary points that don't even really exist having energy by spinning yet how can a point spin at all and it doesnt actually exist in any solid reality becase we can superposition it as many times as we choose?

Perhaps I can agree if you redefine "kinetic energy" to include imaginary particles and there behaviour?

Last edited by Orac; 08/14/11 02:30 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.