Blacknad. I guess I should be honoured that your making such a meal of my two sentences grin

Your paragraph, above, about narcissism, seems misplaced here. It looks like a reply that belongs in the thread that you mentioned. However, my post in that thread, together with this one, serves as an adequate response.

Blacknad: "Scientific knowledge it much more fluid and this is its great strength..."

That, of course is very true. It's "fluidity" derives from the famous "scientific method" (though it's obviously not famous enough). The truths of science, although provisional and subject to frequent fine tuning, are universal. Because of this my statement was: "Science, through its objectivity, has the potential to unify humanity"

It isn't my intention to imply that other factors aren't involved. That much might be clear from reading my other posts. My intention is to contrast the unifying aspect of science with the divisive effects of religious dogmatism. As you said -

Blacknad: "Dogmas that are based upon nothing more than things like tradition and a subjective interpretation of ancient writings are notoriously stubborn in reacting to new knowledge and this is (just one) of their weaknesses."

Exactly. "Notoriously stubborn" because such dogma is not derived from anything like the scientific method but rather, it is claimed, derives from a "divine" source. Furthermore, and more seriously, such dogmas represent a dangerous ignorance that often finds itself in conflict with the equally dangerous ignorance of other dogmas! Because of this, my statement was: "Ignorance has the potential to destroy it [humanity].

Blacknad: "What evidence do you have that, in real terms, science is all that objective?"

Are you serious?

Blacknad: "This is where science clearly steps over into the realm of faith. This is Scientism."

Am I to take it that I struck a nerve, Blacknad? This does appear to be an extraordinarily defensive posture. No, it's not scientism, and no, I don't take offence,

From Wiki:

"Scientism is a term often used today as a pejorative to describe someone of holding the view that science has primacy over all other interpretations of life such as philosophical, religious, mythical, spiritual, or humanistic explanations...Today, the term is often used against vocal critics of religion"

"Time is what prevents everything from happening at once" - John Wheeler