Originally Posted By: redewenur
We all have no doubt that science is the only answer to threats such as Near Earth Objects and climate change. ....

I read the first paragraph about 15 minutes before I finished your post. After I finished, I kept wondering what NEO's were. Neo-conservatives? Non-Educated Oafs? New Earth Order? Finally it dawned on me. I gave myself a good laugh (...and, was that second one redundant?)!

So.... Thanks for the response. I needed something to get me thinking again.

"...science desperately needs public support." -rede.

It's Hard Out Here for a Scientis'. [...what's that song? It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp!]

...hence my blog about Public Perception of Science/Scientists (that I should work on more).
...something about outreach, the fine line between condescension and jargon, etc.
...for a different thread, eh?

Interestingly, all the listed "threats to humanity" are either a cause of, or a consequence of climate change. [disease could be argued either way I 'spose]

After thinking about this for a while, I ended up in a sustainable-future scenario where our oxygen, fuel and Soylent Green are made from the algae of our eutrophying oceans (fed by the consumptive population machine).

...that's the more "negative" of the sustainable options.

...for another forum, eh?

More later, I hope.

Thanks again,

Pyrolysis creates reduced carbon! ...Time for the next step in our evolutionary symbiosis with fire.