Canuck wrote:
"will acidification of oceans have a significant negative impact on their ability to absorb CO2?"

And again the answer is yes.

Now we all know that the vastness of the ocean is such that there is no way that the current CO2 load could possibly exhaust its capability. But this framework assumes mixing and we know that there is not that much mixing in the short term.

So yes saturation is possible and is being observed.

This does not mean absorption will stop. But it does mean it can not absorb CO2 as fast as we can pump it into the atmosphere.

Think about it ... were it otherwise ... were the ocean able to keep up with us ... the atmospheric level would not be rising.

Again as I've said before ... you can not violate the laws of chemistry and physics. The level is increasing in the same way that too much water dumped onto a square meter of dirt will not be absorbed and run off.

DA Morgan