
One last word. If I was running this site, I'd have banned you long ago. Freedom of speech is fine but doing nothing but personally attacking others and refusing to actually discuss the topics to the point where no one is willing to stay on the site to offer a counter opinion is so damaging as to be worthy of restricting your rights.

You used to take part in discussions and offer counter views or reasons why you did not agree with someone. Now your personal attacks seem to be the only way you can argue in the Climate Change forum and you do it so frequently and so repetitiously that there is no one here that is willing to actually argue the science of why the whole global warming "fact" may not be as solid as most make it out to be.

To dismiss science because it doesn't agree with your world view or denegrate individuals because they don't take a popular view is not all that much different to the Catholics of the middle ages that managed to ensure their doctrine was the only one heard because they threatened imprisonment or excommunication to all those that offered a counter view. The current hysteria surrounding global warming doesn't go to the extreme of locking someone up but it certain can destroy careers, get people fired.

So this forum is supposed to discuss global warming. If everyone agrees with your point of view then what is the point of the forum? It's all been decided, according to you, so close the forum down. There is nothing left to discuss.

Stifling debate on any scientific matter is censorship. Your actions are of the worst kind because you not only have nothing substantive to offer in counter to any view that does not agree with you but your attacks questioning people's academic qualifications or straight personal attacks, quite aside from sometimes being defamatory, just result in driving away those that really could contribute to a debate here. For that you should be very ashamed.


Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness