there is currently a mania on "Climate Change ". your attempts at character assisaniation above indicate to the mania. when there is level headed debate on the subject of "Climate change" then we might make progress and get to the facts. i have seen a many reports as linked above and have yet to see constructive critism. what we have so far is popular consensus. anyone with an alternative view is attacked and villified. well some history for you all link from

Some ideas accepted by popular consensus that are now rejected:

The flat earth
The harmlessness of tobacco
The link between electromagnetic fields and cancer
The benefits and harmlessness of leaded gasoline additives, followed closely by
The benefits and harmlessness of MTBE gasoline additives
Nuclear Winter
Ideas once rejected by popular consensus that are now accepted:

Germ theory
Continental drift
Overuse of antibiotics
The theory of symbiogenesis, the merging of two organisms to form a new one
The theory of punctuated equilibrium
The theory of prions, which cause "mad cow disease"
The theory of a bacterial cause for stomach ulcers

So, which consensus today appears to be the most powerful, entrenched, reasonable, rational and stable? Global Warming? The War on Terror? Peak Oil?

so far i have only seen modelling with so many variables that the output from the inputs is dubious.

All i can say is keep your mind open to new data and ideas. the day we lower ourselves to bad mouthing the messenger is when we are in real trouble.

Morgan thanks for the links and i have read them and they are of interest. The problem i have is so many of them have caveats in them such as "According to the range of possible forcing scenarios, and taking into account uncertainty in climate model performance, the IPCC projects "

Mr Lowe comes along and says, lets have a look at the temp data from a new point of view and see what happens. he has done that and then is ridiculed for having an alternative view. that is not science. that is a bigoted closed mind that is intolerant.

Attack the data not the man.