G'day redewenur,

I have returned once and hung around hoping to make a contact as the email detail I have does not work. But I'm finished with the site at this point.

As to no one listening to me, when I posted regularly, I believe a number of people read the posts on this forum, including mine and they did have an impact. If anyone that holds a different view or wishes to challenge the "science" of global warming comes onto this site currently, they are subject to personal insults, belittling and very quickly leave.

I could ask you why you bother to come to this site if the only people that post are those that you agree with wholeheartedly. Surely, you can get all the propoganda relating to global warming by simply picking up a newspaper daily.

But I do note that neither yourself nor Mr Morgan is willing to take up the challenge of providing one single link to research that links CO2 increase in the atmosphere with warming. Mr Morgan did what he normally does with this type of query, he ignored it, and then added yet another insult. Telling people their belief system or "pet theories" are against reality, without any evidence to suggest they actually are, is nothing more than an insult, and the moderator for this site should have stepped in a very long time ago and removed such posts.

I do actually have people that listen to me. My research into temperature datasets has found a publisher and I've been asked and have given lectures on the subject, so I guess, not everyone is like you and simple doesn't listen to a contrary point of view.

Regardless of the views put on this site, when I posted regularly, I read them and considered them. If you want to participate in the site like this, that is the least you can do.

I'm actually not particularly frustrated by the way. Carbon credits waste billions but they don't do much damage in the scheme of things. It will only be if someone comes up with a way of attempting to lower the average world temperature that I will become greatly concerned. But since the solar cycle has entered a very quiet period, the temperatures have already moderated, my guess is in four or five years, those that rabidly followed global warming will start to look just a little foolish. Just as those that predicted large changes in ocean levels have been proved wrong with every prediction made. Eventually, extreme views not supported by basic science just start to look silly. I even saw a major article recently where Mr Gore was roundly criticised (and so he should be considering he uses research that has been condemned by a great many climatologists and has been shown to have been carried out in such a way as to ensure the desired result).

But it would have been nice for someone to have tried to line CO2 to warming just for their own benefit. It's pretty hard to support a theory so dogedly if the central tenant of the theory has no legs. But that is my opinion. I wanted to see if in attempting to discredit that opinion, others may just have learnt something.



Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness