if there is nothing but the "space-time metric" how do you know space is expanding at all, maybe the space between the atoms is shrinking and the space is the same size as its always been. its not expanding outwards, were contracting inwards. see the problem there. your explanation does not fit the reality.

perhaps if everyone here had the high level math ability to discuss this in terms of mathematical equations it would be OK to use that explanation. unfortunately were stuck with "common everyday experience to comprehend or describe" this. using the terms we all know and understand the explanation i gave is as good as you can expect.

lets go with your explanation of it. there is nothing outside, but there is still the leading edge. and there is still stuff inside that leading edge (towards the center). by that, my explanation still stands up.

in other words your just trying to claim I'm to dumb to understand even the basic prekindergarten stuff while your some god of knowledge that has to explain everything else to everyone, save no one but you can understand it. IF you would ever get off your arrogant backside to bother to read for content you would see that what i said was as good an explanation as any that does not come from a doctor of physics who is somehow able to explain everything about this in terms that people who did not take college physics can understand.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.