da, there is no outside and there is no inside? how do you go from under a roof and between walls on all sides, with a floor below, to where there is only sky above you and nothing but horizons all around and ground below?

it is generally accepted that when the big bang occured all the matterial were in the same area. it does not matter if that area would measure a foot by our measurements, or 15 light years. since the farthest galazies are billions of light years away, even 15 light years is a relatively small area. in the first few seconds of the big bang, no one has any terms to explain it, since things were occuring that our understanding of physics cant encompass. they do know that the universe did exist, which means that the matterial from the big bang had not yet filled it. therefore, there was inside the big bang place, and outside of it. that billion of light year space already existed. since there was no matterial there it was outside of it.

why dont you look up the word intergraty and stop trying to claim that you know everything when its obvious that IF you know oracle, its about all.

jjw, explosion, fast expansion, whats the difference. if there is one, then fine, call it an expansion. the point is that the matterial on the leading edge would be moving faster than the material not on the leading edge. that much is known. they do know that by the time it became energy and matter some of it was moving a lot faster than others parts.

Blacknad, i have the right to post what i understand of science as much as you. if you cant prove im wrong or at least give me your opinion of why im am, dont bother posting about what i post. i have da to give me unwanted and unneeded insults in place of reason.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.