Human Evolution Man's Adaptations Species Language Anatomy Psychosocial Fosils For Sale
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Human Evolution Man's Adaptations Species Language Anatomy Psychosocial Fosils:
Human Evolution: an Introduction to Man’s Adaptations by Bernard G. Campbell, Second Edition.
DESCRIPTION: Hardcover: 469 pages. Publisher: Aldine Publishing Company; (1974). The first edition of the book was immediately recognized as a classic work on the subject. Original in scope, content, and presentation, “Human Evolution” is the first book that synthesizes the major findings of modern research and theory on human evolution, and presents a rounded, complete, and integrated description of the evolution of man. It is the first book to view man’s development in its anatomical, physiological, and psychosocial context, and not as a simple descriptive trace of the fossil record. It is an essential introduction in the field of biology and anthropology. This second edition presents a much expanded fossil history of human evolution, contains new and expanded sections on human variability and speciation (including discussion of the meaning of race), on primate locomotion, and on nonverbal communication and the evolution of language.
Much new material has been added on the evolution of the family and of human social life. The invaluable glossary and bibliography have been expanded and updated, and the nearly 150 detailed illustrations which are integral to the text have been revised not only to take account of the latest research but also further to facilitate the reader’s understanding. The book treats evolution as the concomitant development of the main behavioral and functional complexes of the genus Homo – such as motor control and locomotion, mastication and digestion, the senses, and reproduction. It analyzes each complex in terms of its changing function and continually stresses how the separate complexes evolve interdependently in man.
The increasing cerebral complexity and remarkable plasticity of the developing human structure is paralleled in, and interrelated with man’s rapidly evolving social complexes – fire usage, tool marking, social hunting, communication, family, kinship, and culture. All of this is set within the context of contemporary evolutionary and genetic theory and a modern analysis of the fossil record, of contemporary primatology and comparative morphology. The result is a book that synthesizes this vast range of material into a lucid and comprehensive picture of the development of the human species, from the first pre-hominids to modern man.
CONDITION: Edge-wear and small tear to dust jacket, owners name on first page, otherwise clean and in very good condition.
Human Evolution synthesizes the major findings of modern research and theory and presents a complete and integrated account of the evolution of human beings. New developments in microbiology, recent fossil records, the latest taxonomy of fossil and living forms of man are all incorporated into the enormous range of this volume, with the resulting text lucid and comprehensive. With a thematic structure and organization of the third, it is a cogent treatment of human variability and speciation, primate locomotion, and nonverbal communication and the evolution of language, supported by more than 150 detailed illustrations, a glossary and bibliography.
Professor Campbell has written a very clear, detailed and comprehensive account of the morphological changes that have occurred in the evolution of the single existing species of man. Fortunately the author has a broader background than many who write of human evolution, and his coverage of the subject is more complete. “Human Evolution” is objective and well-balanced. The book is definitely recommended to students.
I read Professor Campbell’s “Human Evolution” with the greatest pleasure and interest. It is extremely well written, and in the breadth and orientation of its approach to the subject, it is really unique as an introductory text. I would judge it to be the best such text available. It is original in its organization and treatment. Campbell knows his material thoroughly and has combined his own fresh ideas with a number of others, which have been current in the field but not digested and presented in this lucid form for general reading.
I have found Dr. Campbell’s book enjoyable to read, informative and interesting in its plan of organization. Discussions of structure are skillfully interwoven with functional considerations so that the reader gains a clearer understanding of the selective forces that were operating during human evolution. I adopted this text for my human evolution course with successful results. Students gave it very favorable comments, and I plan to adopt it once again. I rank it as one of the most readable and interesting accounts of human evolution on the market.
It is quite impossible in a short review to do justice to all of the themes in this very wide survey of the various lines of evidence bearing on human evolution. The book is easily understood by the intelligent non-specialist, and abundant references to more technical literature are provided for those who may wish to pursue their inquiries further. Students, professional biologists and anthropologists, and interested lay persons will find this remarkable original but well documented study of the evolution of mammals in general and primate ancestors of man in particular very useful and provocative. Excellent illustrations, glossary, charts of fossil remains, bibliography, and index made the book especially useful for reference.
An authoritative study of human evolution, a revolutionary approach to man's adaptation to his environment and a rounded, complete and integrated picture of human development, emphasizing whole body and society in which it evolved. This book is a lucid and comprehensive picture of the development of the human species, from the first pre-hominids to modern man. It is an excellent text on the subject of human biology and evolution.
Human evolution is the most mysterious and complex process in all biology. The book provides a very thorough treatment of human variability and speciation, primate locomotion, the evolution of language, and the behavioral and functional complexes of the genus Homo. It covers every aspect of human evolution, with chapters on: evolution and the environment; mammals (progress in homeostasis); the primate radiation; the fossil evidence (the hominidae); body structure and posture; locomotion and the hind limb; manipulation and the forelimb; the head (function and structure); feeding, ecology and behavior; reproduction, social structure and the family; culture and society; and human evolution.
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Most of the items I offer come from the collection of a family friend who was active in the field of Archaeology for over forty years. However many of the items also come from purchases I make in Eastern Europe, India, and from the Levant (Eastern Mediterranean/Near East) from various institutions and dealers. Though I have always had an interest in archaeology, my own academic background was in sociology and cultural anthropology. After my retirement however, I found myself drawn to archaeology as well. Aside from my own personal collection, I have made extensive and frequent additions of my own via purchases on (of course), as well as many purchases from both dealers and institutions throughout the world – but especially in the Near East and in Eastern Europe. I spend over half of my year out of the United States, and have spent much of my life either in India or Eastern Europe. In fact much of what we generate on Yahoo, Amazon and goes to support The Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, as well as some other worthy institutions in Europe connected with Anthropology and Archaeology.
I acquire some small but interesting collections overseas from time-to-time, and have as well some duplicate items within my own collection which I occasionally decide to part with. Though I have a collection of ancient coins numbering in the tens of thousands, my primary interest is in ancient jewelry. My wife also is an active participant in the "business" of antique and ancient jewelry, and is from Russia. I would be happy to provide you with a certificate/guarantee of authenticity for any item you purchase from me. There is a $2 fee for mailing under separate cover. Whenever I am overseas I have made arrangements for purchases to be shipped out via domestic mail. If I am in the field, you may have to wait for a week or two for a COA to arrive via international air mail. But you can be sure your purchase will arrive properly packaged and promptly - even if I am absent. And when I am in a remote field location with merely a notebook computer, at times I am not able to access my email for a day or two, so be patient, I will always respond to every email. Please see our "ADDITIONAL TERMS OF

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