Doraemon Science Kagaku World Educational Manga World of Food & Sweets ドラえもん 科学 For Sale

Doraemon Science Kagaku World Educational Manga World of Food & Sweets ドラえもん 科学
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Doraemon Science Kagaku World Educational Manga World of Food & Sweets ドラえもん 科学:

Doraemon Science Kagaku World Educational Manga World of Foods and SweetsLanguage: JapaneseSeries: Doraemon Science World
Illustration: Fujiko F. FujioProduct dimensions:5.12 x 0.47 x 7.17 inchesNumber of Pages: 213 pages
About the Book:

"People need to eat and drink to survive, but have you ever deeply considered it? This book is packed with Yodaremon's content on the allure of food, its safety, and the mysteries of deliciousness. ● Why don't we find green peppers and celery delicious? ● Why does wheat flour transform into fluffy bread? ● What's the secret behind Doraemon's favorite, dorayaki? ● Why can't we stop eating potato chips? ● Is sugar a secret tool for studying? You won't want to skip any of these topics. With this book, you might become a renowned chef or patissier!"

Condition of the book is very good pre-owned. May have some light crease on the dust jacket. The book will be shipped FREE with USPS Media Mail.Please ask if you have any 食べ物とお菓子の世界

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