your entire post seems to give some value to reference frames
as if a reference frame has anything to do with reality.

if a man on the ISS is in free fall then the ISS is also
in free fall , both are accelerating.

the only way that you can orbit a planet is if you travel
around the planet in a circular path , and in order for
you to travel in a circular path you must accelerate away
from the straight line that your space ship wants to travel along.

can you imagine how much energy would be required to establish and maintain a orbit around the earth if the earth had no gravity?

the space ship that you were orbiting the earth with would
need to supply all of the energy for every split second of
course correction as it traveled along its orbital path and
it would have to correct its course every split second if
you wanted the space ship to maintain a precise orbital altitude for optics or whatever reason.

you may be able to say that the man inside the ISS is not
in free fall if your brain only accepts the things you can
see or feel or measure and you are in front of him seeing
that he is not falling anywhere , and you can reach out and touch him and he's not moving away from you and you could even measure his fall if he was falling , so in his frame of reference and your frame of reference he is not falling.

both of these frames of reference will give false information.

still he and the ISS are in free fall this is evident because
the ISS is not gaining or loosing altitude.

a frame of reference is just another way of thinking about or looking at a physical occurrence and has nothing to do with
physical occurrences.

so frame it any way you wish , the man and the ISS are in
free fall.

and free fall is simply put nothing more than a balance between the forces that are acting on an orbiting

you keep pointing to accelerometers to somehow prove that
you are correct when in fact the accelerometers prove that
the man in the ISS is in free fall by the zero reading he
would see on his accelerometer.

he and the ISS have achieved a balance between the forces which is why he and the ISS do not move closer to the earth
or further from the earth.

why do you think the men moved when the ISS boosted / accelerated to gain velocity?

it was because the ISS was gaining velocity / accelerating
to maintain a certain orbital altitude.

but the men inside were not accelerating with the ISS
until they held onto the ISS.

and as soon as they let go of the ISS the ISS began moving faster than they were moving.

I think that you are giving waaaay to much importance to
false things such as reference frames.

its almost as if you are trying to use them as tools to
change the reality of physical occurrences.

that wont happen.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.