If you can't measure an acceleration

Don't mix frameworks as you can't, the definitions of spacetime differ and you will just get confused. Your statement (12) is correct in GR because you can't measure any acceleration with an accelerometer not because of any classical physics calculations. It is true by definition in GR and requires NO calculations.

If you can't measure an acceleration then the measuring tools
that you use are worthless and you should toss them in the
worthless tool bin where they have always belonged. smile

orac , if you were standing on the equator of the earth
right now and holding an accelerometer in your hand and maintaining an exact distance from the ground and standing in the exact same spot.

1) would the accelerometer register any acceleration?

2) would your whole body be accelerating in a direction?

3) if gravity were suddenly removed from the earth would
you remain on the surface of the earth or would you begin
to fly off into space at 1,667,923 METERS PER HOUR ?

or do you wear super glue shoes?

also: since your religion dictates that gravity is due
only to the energy and velocity of a object , just how
do the prophets of your religion explain why your feet
stay on the ground all day long or is it that they intend
to reclaim that the surface of the earth is actually flat
after all and the reason our feet stay on the ground
is because our feet understand how QM , and all the Einstein bullshart works.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.