Originally Posted By: paul

perhaps the medical industry is like you suggest , a control method used for population control , and they fear that people who think might some day realize whats goin on and they might have loaded guns when they do find out.

would you want to work in the slaughter house when cows gain the ability to own and operate firearms?

Not exactly suggesting there is purposeful intent, but rather a lack of responsibility or accountability, being that there are instruments of deniability when it comes to death within the medical community. Such as waivers and or forms of indemnity that distance a patient from those that place themselves within the system for the care of the public.

The media is suggesting there is legislative action taking place to make any gun related death accountable to any person or entity related to a gun. That would be the manufacturer, the sales person or company that sold the gun, the person firing the gun and even the ammunition company which manufactured the bullet that happened to be fired by the person who used the gun to kill.

Imagine if the medical industry was put under the same scrutiny. Yet they're not. That industry becomes less and less involved with anything related to industry accidents or malpractice as the laws turn the attention towards the fragility of the patient and whatever universal forces may be responsible (as long as its not the institution or its constituents).

I lived with a girl who was a nurse at a hospital in Florida. One of her colleagues (an administrative nurse) checked in patients prior to surgery, making sure that all their information prior to their time in the hospital was available to reference by the doctors and nurses attending the patient. Checking blood type, allergies to medications, vital statistics, family history etc. etc. This nurse decided to skip the formal procedures and simply duplicated the form of a previous patient and applied it to an incoming patient because she didn't want to be bothered with the duty.
IF the media was to exaggerate the story as being typical to all medical facilities the way the exaggerate gun facts imagine what that would do to the faith people have in the medical system (little as that already is).

There are gaps in every system. Villains in every corner of every side that presents itself.

What seems to be important is not the truth, but rather whatever grabs the attention and ire of the public.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!