I revived this thread because this paper release really belongs here rather than starting a new thread.

In the thread we discussed how we now understood quantum coherence and entanglement in a more fundamental ways. We discussed the mixing and sharing of entanglement between photons, atoms and solids.

One of the more interesting tests on the stability of quantum coherence with this cross mixing has recently reached the general media

The actual paper:

Layman media release:

The image that shows it up best to a layman with light being trapped:

It is interesting outside just quantum computing and a truly impressive piece of science.

There is an interesting extension that many fundamentalist scientists are urging be tested ... anyone want to hazard a guess what it is we would like to try?

Bonus question: Is the light really stopped in a true science sense and what is actually happening?

Last edited by Orac; 08/06/13 04:09 PM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.