Hint Paul look carefully at the denominator and think about it for a minute can you see the problem

I dont see any problem with the denominator.

what is the problem that you see with the denominator?

since you find this equation so amusing which equation would
you use?

note : if you pick any equation that uses an element
that includes assumption such as c , c^2 , c^4 etc into the equation then the equation can only deliver assumption and
can only be considered as delivering a prediction that is
based on the included assumption and nothing more.

we can measure the diameter of nucleons.

tell me why is the equation so amusing to you and why did
it cause you to spit up your coffee yesterday morning.

BTW , you should only comment on the equation itself
as the origination of the equation has no bearing on its viability and usefulness.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.