Originally Posted By: Bill
I had just realized that it was "explained" by the fact that conservation laws, or parities if that is you preference, require any separated portions of an entangled system to act in unison when one of them is measured.

And as I explained that it totally incorrect conservation laws are not involved at this level it is the laws of the complex waveforms at play. At a deeper level maybe what is controlling the waveform laws is conservation but we have no way of knowing that at this point in time.

Again and repeating QM theory gives the answer which you want to ignore and say the question is open. Fifteen or twenty years ago the statement was probably semi ok but it isn't okay today because science has closed down all the wiggle room.

As a person who accepts science and I know you do you are left with two options now invalidate QM or accept the result your argument above is pseudoscience junk. You wont address the central issue that QM predicted entanglement 50 years before it was experimentally verified yet you say we don't know why it occurs ... how exactly does one predict something one doesn't understand?

Originally Posted By: Bill

I still don't know how the second part of the system "knows" when it is time to act. I think that that part of the question is still open.

QM predicted they would change instantly and it predicted entanglement and QM explicitly says the system doesn't know anything nor does it need to.

Essentially you are trying to invalidate QM with an EPR argument without calling it what it is and EPR argument.

On the science front we have falsified EPR completely there are no loopholes left the nails have been firmly driven in that coffin.

I actually would have said EPR was beyond dead with the amazing realization of "weak measurement" and being able to see the same photon in both slits of a double split experiment at the same moment. EPR says there is only one photon because it wants a nice neat solid world so the result is very hard for EPR to explain.

So as scientists we are back to trying to understand what a "complex wave in space" actually means at a physical level.

There is some testing that can be done on that front because QM predicts the change between the particle should be instant as in planck unit of time instant it predicts instant as in 0 seconds because we do understand how it works.

If you go back to the current longest distance test on 144km you have 0.8 nanosecond accuracy on a 487 microsecond flight time so we can set a lower limit of around 10,000 times faster than the speed of light. What we should be able to do by increasing the length and timing accuracy is push that number up and up towards infinity.

On other fronts the question becomes is the "complex wave in space" actually real or is it a mathematical description of a process there is definitely conjecture in this area and I have no issue the jury is most certainly out.

Last edited by Orac; 06/17/13 02:51 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.