Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Does science actually claim to prove anything? I have always thought not. To some extent, that puts it in the same box as religion. All we, as rational beings, need to do is decide what makes the best sence to us.

Who then has the right to say to anyone else: "I'm right and you are wrong"?

In a way you are correct, Science doesn't "prove" anything it just provides rules that can be applied to cause specific things to happen. In theory any scientific law can be invalidated by another observation. At that point scientists change the law to reflect the new observations. The big difference between science and creationism and other crackpot so called sciences is that science answers questions in ways that unarguably work. The crackpots just keep claiming that they are right without advancing any repeatable experiments/observations to conclusively demonstrate they are right.

So, if the creationists want to believe that there is no such thing as evolution as a religious belief that is fine. But since there is no supportable theory of creationism that does not conflict with the evidence that is widely available then they do not have the right to claim that scientists must also follow that belief. This particularly follows due to the fact that creationism is a Judeao-Christian religious belief and insisting that it is true for everyone will cause clashes with the beliefs of other religions.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.