Originally Posted By: Revlgking

Agape-Love is the greatest power because:
It focuses on the physical, mental and spiritual good that we believe in and desire and applies willpower.

No. It gives no special support or focus to what we believe is greater than another's idea of good or reality. It's like water which floats a boat regardless of whether it is filled with good or bad intentions.
Or slips around a rock as it flows as a river without bashing itself against the rock.
It supports all choices without investing itself in the outcome, giving freedom to choice, and the experiences following choice.
This allows for growth and experience in contrast of beliefs in relative applications of the ego and its identification with one scenario or another as being either good in varying degrees or bad in varying degrees.

A misplaced step can be seen as bad if it creates a fall. However it can be seen as good if the fall creates an impression to pay attention to where footing is placed. So unconditional love of the universe allows for something and everything without giving focus or special attention to anything.

Only man determines in his own mind a value of God and the reflection of God.

What God sees is simply God.

Man without the experience of God sees his own interpretations of what is God and not God.
Originally Posted By: Revlgking
Ridiculous. Will without any direction or intent has no power at all.

Intent to create something when asleep or awake is going to have a different outcome. Same as the intent directed from where you are (emotional state, Intellectual state, State of Consciousness, State of health and perception) has different outcomes based on the box you live in and what you can project.

Your definitions of Good also have a different parameters based on beliefs.
Mother Theresa and Charles Manson had a bit of a difference in their interpretations of Good.

What you think is good for another may not be what God has in mind for that person.(The reason why Jesus didn't Heal Lazarus before he died and subsequently waited until he had finished his own program to meet death)
God does not intervene or meddle in the will of the spirit of man.

Man however assumes what is best for others, and often without knowing what is best for himself.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!