Wisdom is not inherent in man, otherwise he would not have the capacity to make decisions that offer contrast to expansion and contraction of consciousness or evolution and devolution.

The inference that if wisdom is inherent in man, un-wisdom is not, is dubious at best. A balance, or imbalance, of the two would permit the capacities you list, and would militate towards the sort of lifestyle choices that often seem to characterise the human condition.

Man once thought it was wise to keep from sailing off the edge of the earth. We all know now that the earth is not flat.

It seems that not everyone agrees with that.


Also, can we be sure that the Earth was not flat when the majority of people believed it was?

Imagine what wisdom will exist 100 years from now and how our impression of our own greatness in intelligence will be reduced to a memory of antiquated ideas.

It is, perhaps, rash to assume that knowledge equates to wisdom. It might also be reasonable to say: “Imagine what folly will exist 100 years from now…”

There never was nothing.