its not that walmart does not need to have a person filing a job position 24 hours a day , its that walmart fills those job positions using more people.

this way those people can have more for less work.

its the way the system is set up and they are clever enough to
take advantage of it.

and they can avoid the cost of health insurance which is a large
expense per employee.

its quite clear that walmart would be forced to work their employees 40 hours a week if the various low income programs
were not in place because the employees could not afford housing or medical coverage using the wages that walmart pays a employee working 28 hours a week.

if it were not for the low income programs then walmart could not function in the united states.

unless they built housing for their employees and provided a health clinic / hospital and salaried doctors and nurses for their employees.

and Ellis , honey boo boo and her family are people who have been given an opportunity to exploit the people who think they
are better than they are.

and their bank accounts will reflect that.

I know you were being sarcastic , but reading what you wrote was a little spooky.

but there are people who enjoy watching the less fortunate
because it makes them feel good.

I suppose the waltons will all be gathered in the theater
room in the walton bunker mansion with their servants serving up popcorn and milk duds while they watch the less fortunate
honey boo boo and her family.

some people just have a knack for being happy and content
with themselves and their surroundings no matter what their
financial situation is and their happiness is not dependent on others misfortunes.

and they are not faking happiness !

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.