Originally Posted By: Paul
150 years ago?
civil war years!!!

pipes date back much further than 150 yeas ago!

the romans used metal pipes.

Could the average citizen go to the store and buy enough to build a solar water heater? 150 years ago the average person had to work full time just to keep a roof over his head, clothes on his back and food on the table. He/she didn't have a lot of spare money to buy non-essentials, such as solar heating supplies.

It has taken a lot of technology to get to the point where we can even think about changing our energy sources. And it has taken a lot of fossil fuels to provide the energy needed to create that technology.

We are pretty darned smart to have come up with the technology to get us where we are. And now we are smart enough to come up with the technology to get us through the bad patch we are going through.

Bill Gill

C is not the speed of light in a vacuum.
C is the universal speed limit.