
hero invented the first steam engine that was a reaction turbine.

The history of the steam engine stretches back as far as the first century AD; the first recorded rudimentary steam engine being the aeolipile described by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria.

Im glad to see that you agree that we really are that dumb
and we really are that dumb.

we prove it every day we exist.

steam engines have been around apx 2000 years.
think of the advances that could have been seen if the steam engine would have been made solar powered , there were attempts at providing engines that do not need fuels to operate but these ideas were rugged due to the fact that they did not require any fuels to operate.

just like a modern steam turbine could easily run off of solar power using mirrors to reflect and concentrate the sunlight onto a heat exchanger to turn water into steam.

the stupid intelligent smart people always use the lame excuse that the sun does not always shine.

but they always seem to forget that while the sun is shining the steam power could store energy in some form for the times that the sun is not shinning.

so that if you require 1 meagwatt a day for your plant.
and the sun shines only 6 hours.
you would need to store 18 hours of energy.

if 1 unit will produce .25 megawatts in 6 hours of the 1 megawatt you require during a 24 hour period its obvious that you would need 4 units.

if the sun doesnt shine enough then you can use the electric companies electricity or install more units to provide backup energy when the sun does not shine.

or your grid could be connected to units in areas where the sun is shining and producing energy.

or you could just install a solar power system that will
produce 3 megawatts in 6 hours for instance.

the stupid intelligent smart people can always find some lame reason why they dont think solar power would work , but they
always seem to exclude ways around the times when the sun is not shining.

but we keep building more and more coal fired and gas turbines to power our amazing technology knowing full well that we are ruining the planet and our ability to survive.



3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.