
on the following page the cultivated land areas are expressed in
km^2 ( square kilometers )
not kilometers squared
the above page list the cultivated area of the world as 11.61%
and the total area of the world is 149,000,000 km^2

1 km^2 = 247 acres

thats 36 billion acres of land

thats 5.25 acres of land for each human on the earth.

on average 1 acre can produce 29.2 pounds of food per day every day throughout the year.

if everyone grew his/her own food in his / her 5.25 acres of the world he would need to eat or sell , 153.3 pounds of food each day.

if we average that out to cultivating the world average area of cultivated land then he / she would only need to cultivate
10% of his / her 5.25 acres of land.

he would still need to eat / sell 15.33 pounds of food each and every day !!!

the average american eats apx 5.4 pounds of food a day so
he still has to sell or export 9.93 pounds of food per day.

there is enough land to sustain the world's food needs as long as we dont mess it up like we have been doing.
using solar power and wind power we could easily cultivate the deserts and quadtruple the current food production.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.