ok one of the things i see from this is that we are in agreement on many points, but are disagreement on several.

1) all models i have ever seen say that once all land masses were part of a super continent, and have seperated.

2) the pacific ocean is the reminatate of the single ocean that existed then. the atlantic has the atlantic rif where new plate is being created meaning that the atlantic is growing a few inches every year, and the pacific is getting smaller by most of that. so the size of the pacific has really not been any factor at all.

3) my comment about the polar bears having non polar forefathers and the ice not existing was concerning a period beyound that which your refering to, ie, the million years plus of the current ice age. i was refering to the time 2.2 million years ago when there was no ice cap, and the tempature was 8 to 15 degrees warmer than current. there is indication that we will return to that at some point.

4) in the previous thread of yours you mention and then refered to about 7 out of 10 of the expansions (glaciation period) being linked to volcano's, but not the others. considering that we have no idea where many of the super valcanos are, how can you claim that they did not have effect on the others.

5) i dont believe the current of the oceans really play that much in extending or creating a peroid of glaciation

you claim that the volcano activity has not been that great lately, but have you check out the warning signs of impending eruptions and compaired them to the activities of several of the supervolcano (the proper term really is caldera volcano not super, the term was coin, i learned recently, but tv producers for the effect the word has). we could very easily be looking at two eruptions within the next century, one of them being in the top three size wise.

as i said there are many points that we do agree.

1) mankind really cant influence the mixture of gasses in the air that much. super volcanos on the other hands, can, drastically, over a short time, effect the tempature down wards.

2) we really dont have enough info on the suns activity to really argue the point of weither or not it can cause long term ice ages.

3) like you i hope we have had some effect on warming the earth, because from where i sit, it appears that we are in for some cold days, when the two supers erupt. fortuantely, one of them erupted only 74000 years ago, so if it does erupt soon, it will not have that much of an effect. the other unfortunately has been waiting some 722000 years to release its gass pressure.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.