the only think man is doing, is accelerating global warming, and not by that much. the earth is attempting to return to its natural state, which happens to be 15 degrees or so warmer than it is now. as the ice melts, there is less reflection of solar energy, causeing the earth to warm up. this cause more melt of the ice, and another increase in the tempature.

good news for those concerned that the earth will get too warm for humans. the worlds largest super valcano is about to pump hundreds of cubic miles of sulfer dioxide into the upper atmosphere, where it will reflect tons of solar energy, dropping the tempature back and bring back lots of cool ice.

bad news: that super valcano will pump hundreds of cubic miles of sulfer dioxide into the upper atmosphere, dropping the tempature about 40 degrees. the danger is the thermal runaway point is right in that area. if its breached, the pacific ocean will freeze at the equator.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.