RicS wrote:
"I have a degree where my specialty was the study of the causes of flips between glaciations and interglacial periods. Since I also have a Masters and a Doctorate I suspect I could be included in the "scientific community". Do a search through Google on global warming and "myth" or any number of words suggesting skepticism and you will find a great many scientific papers written by scientists who appear to have some expertise in the subject who do not agree with global warming."

Point me to a peer reviewed journal or something in the citation index, published in the last 5 years, that indicates that planet's average temperature is not increasing.

I'll not debate what percentage of that warming has been created by human activity but I'll gladly debate that any serious science demonstrates a global temperature that is either static or decreasing.

I don't read the popular press for my information. But given that the majority here at SAGG can't visit my library here is as close as I can get to pointing you to the information I would like to see you refute.


DA Morgan