G'day Easy Life,

Actually, the quote you ascribed to me was actually Daniels. It was a quote from one of Daniel's posts which I actually objected to.

And I cannot understand your latest post at all. I must have missed something somewhere. While database theory is a terrific subject and one I'm coincidently interested in, having taught it myself, I don't see how it relates to global warming. Well actually I can.

Mainly however I have problems with the data itself and with such fundamentals of data sets as in GIGO. Pretty much all global warming models rely on datasets which I tend to think are about as accurate as asking those in church in front of the assembly if they have ever had an affair and publishing the data indicating that church goers have an extremely low rate of adultery. Might not be a great analogy but the best my soggy brain could come up with at short notice.

But you also pointed out a mistake I made. I did a search on Mr Morgan and wrongly pegged him as a professor. But I still do not believe that one's qualifications should preclude them from a discussion such as this. But it would be useful to do more than rubbish other's opinions.

I think I understand you in that you are suggesting that if someone is shown to make fundamentals in one area of discussion they are likely to do so in another area. I'm not sure I completely agree.



Sane=fits in. Unreasonable=world needs to fit to him. All Progress requires unreasonableness