What I believe Blacknad is saying is that he doesn't have all the answers. That he is insuffiently self-reliant to go about his life without a sense that even if he doesn't ... someone out there does.

And since scientists are honest enough, and have enough integrity to acknowlege that they don't ... he has decided to put his faith in those hypocrites and liars that claim they do.

Look here ... see in this authorless book that has no original untranslated manuscript ... see ... right here it says what happened. It says the god of Abraham created everything ... not a quantum fluctuation, not Vishnu, not the great turtle. And we'll borrow the virgin birth and flood from the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Christmas tree, and a few other trappings of popular mythology so that people will buy our nonsense.

When all is said and done all of the religious people on the planet that still have a brain, like Blacknad, can be frozen in place with just a few simple unanswerable questions. Then they try to change the subject.

1. Who created smallpox?
2. Who created satan?
3. Who created the apple and the snake?
4. What evidence is there of a virgin birth?
5. What evidence is there of a resurrection?
6. Why do men have nipples?

They love to point to the crucifixion but that is evidence of death ... not resurrection and thus of no value. Their "god" had one bad day. The patients at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Dana Farber, etc. have years of bad days ... each and every one as bad or worse.

DA Morgan