Blacknad wrote:
"There are stacks of agnostic non-Christian scientists that are open to a universe by design."

Not my point at all but thank you for doing so well to dodge it.

The point is that the percentage of Americans that believe X, Y or Z is some percentage. The percentage of Americans that are scientists that belive the same rubbish is significantly different. We are better educated and more open minded ... not demigods.

But lets say you can find 10,000 scientists that are willing to accept the Bible as the authentic work of the god of Christianity ... as opposed to the god of Judiasm, Islam, etc. Great. This means precisely what? 10,000 people have established peer reviewed evidence proving the existance of the invisible purple rhinoceros or 10,000 people having received a decent college education were brain-washed as children? or 10,000 people are deists who find themselves going to Christian churches, or 10,000 people have a wide mixture of personal beliefs but find themselves drawn to a similar answer to a simplistic question.

I am often seen at a Lutheran Church at holidays. Does that mean I am there accompanying a friend? As a guest of the minister and his wife who are personal friends? Enjoy the music? Am a devout god-fearing member of the congregation.

Stacks of agnostic non-Christian scientists that are open to a universe by design is a farce given the fact that the Roman Catholic church has denounced ID. Which pretty much puts a wooden stake through the heart of anyone claiming divine revelation of ID.

Blacknad asks:
"On what basis do you reject design in favour of chance for the origins of the universe?"

1. Zero evidence for a designer
2. Nothing that exists requires a designer
3. If he exists designer has proven for the last 2,000 years that he is incapable of doing anything more momentous than making a statue cry or imprinting the Virgin Mary on a street sign.

You see Blacknad it is not for me to prove that your invisible purple rhinoceros does not exist. Rather it is for you to provide evidence of anything that does exist that points specifically to the god of Abraham and Isaac rather than Ganesh or Vishnu. It is up to you to prove that the world is the way it is due to Jesus Christ rather than Mohammed. It is your belief. Surely you have some basis for owning it other than the fact that you used to be screwed up when you were younger and you replaced one vice with another.


DA Morgan