Originally posted by DA Morgan:
JB wrote:
"I have oulined my reasoning on this aspect to JAG above by comparing resistance in a normal conductor to to resistance in a conductor with no scattering."

I've read that but I don't see that it does what you suggest. Your argument supports the premise that the Bohr interpretation is incorrect. Something I personally agree with. But your leap on the other side of the equation to "therefore it must equal what I say it does" does not follow. Let me give you a simple illustration.

It has been proposed that there might be a macroscopic dimension that does not intersect with time. For the moment assume it exists. It explains tunneling and it explains the old "spooky action at a distance."

Is there any experimental evidence pointing to this extra dimension? Not a shred. It is just an alternative to Bohr that "might" be correct. How is that different from what you have proposed?
You are wrong again. I have experimental evidence in the form of a macro-wave comprising electrons that form between a diamond's surface and an anode. It is a single holistic wave within which time does not exist, similar to a laser beam except that it is now a staionary wave through which electrons can be teleported. We have photographs of this phase as a pitch-black cylinder. So watch this space.

Your statement: "I've read that but I don't see that it does what you suggest." has two possible interpretations: 1. that you really have valid reasons to reject it (which, however, you are for some reason not willing to share with us), or 2. that you are not able to follow the physics and are just petulant. From what you have posted on this BB I have to conclude that it is the latter.