Originally posted by J. Arthur God:
This may come across as being part of the stodgy old establishment, but it is a fact.

If I have the option of believing that a Nobel Prize winning theory that has been in constant use for decades over a new theory which has been rejected twice by peer review...I will pick the Nobel Prize winning theory.

I'll probably be correct 99.99999% of the time. If I could get odds like that in Vegas, I'd be a rich man.

The burden of proof is on you. I believe you haven't met it. This is at least as valid as your belief that your theory is going to be earth shattering. [/QUOTE]

Why am I not surprised. Those people who are not willing to use scientific sense judge on probabilty. You have now proved without any doubt that you are, and NEVER can be, a scientist. It is not "probabilty" which should lead a scientist, but scientific principles. I have challenged you to explain how BCS models superconduction between two contacts. The burden of the proof is on YOU! Why do you not do so? Because you BELIEVE that BCS MUST be correct; and are incapapble of discussing science logically. Nothing has changed since the time of Galileo!! Talking about Las Vegas; how much are you willing to bet on the BCS model? Put your money where your mouth is! BEING SO SURE OF YOURSELF YOU WILL OF COURSE GIVE ME ODDS OF 99.99999999% Well I will be gracious: $1000 from me for $1000,000 from you! How's that?