Archive | Mind and Brain


Rhythmic nature of consciousness probed

Understanding how our brains encode thoughts at the cellular level may be a step closer after neuroscientists at MIT discovered groups of neurons encoding specific behavioral rules by oscillating in synchrony, a finding that suggests conscious thought emerges from oscillatory cycles in the brain. The findings, published in Neuron, could help science to finally unravel […]

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Spatial awareness skewed by fear

Fear can skew our perception of approaching objects, causing us to underestimate the distance of a threatening one, according to researchers from Emory University and the University of London. The findings, published in Current Biology, show that emotion and perception are subtly intertwined in the mind. To explore our perception of when objects heading towards […]

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Alcohol rewires brain for PTSD

Heavy drinking appears to impair the brain’s ability to recover from trauma and may put people at greater risk for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), say scientists from the University of North Carolina and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Medicos have long recognized a link between alcoholism and anxiety disorders – simply, those […]

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Experiment reveals workings of Freudian unconscious

New experimental findings show a causal link between unconscious conflict and the conscious symptoms experienced by people with anxiety disorders, lending scientific weight to one of Sigmund Freud’s key theories. Howard Shevrin, emeritus professor of psychology in the University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry, presented his research last week at the 101st Annual Meeting of […]

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Scientists block aggression

Pathological rage can be blocked in mice by shutting down a specific receptor in the brain, report University of Southern California researchers who believe the finding could lead to new treatments for aggression and hostile overreactions to stress. The study, appearing in the Journal of Neuroscience, explains how the researchers identified a critical neurological factor […]

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Food and sex behaviors predicted with MRI

Previously used in experiments to see whether it could predict pop music success, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is now being turned to more serious endeavors. Dartmouth College scientists using MRI to investigate the areas of the brain to do with reward and self-control found they could predict the subjects’ levels of weight […]

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