Originally posted by jjw004:
Thanks again. I appreciate your response.

I think my point is that we are aware and will be aware of organic time. Taking Kepler literally we know that planets in orbit around the Sun following an elliptic path are sometimes traveling as much as 10 times the velocity as they are at other times. Extreme orbits such as that of Pluto should provide an example of this.
We do not generally feel any effects of this common acceleration that occurs at least once in every eliptical orbit. I suppose the speed is not significant in this example because it is not fast enough. That, I hope, will focus my issue. If the basic premise is correct then to me any acceleration should be meaning full. The highest speed is at the lesser axis so it is of short duration compared to the major axis. The Earths orbit is not extreme but the speed difference is still present.

So, "organically" I do get the feeling at times that the day is shorter or possibly longer, and that should qualify me for the DKV award.
Interesting viewpoint to ponder on. The effects that acceleration and deceleration has when the earth follows its elliptical orbit is probably negligible compared to the earth's own gravity. In fcat it must be so or else we should have picked it up on our bathroom scales.