dehammer asks:
"then explain how the same thing can move at two different speeds in the same universe."

I don't have to because no one has ever said that the same thing moves at two different speeds.

And I will not be goaded or cajoled into educating you on basic relativity theory. Get off your bottom and read a book on the subject.

Your repetition of a pathetically ignorant laZyman's perspective is disgusting.

dehammer wrote:
"i actually got the understanding from reading the theory"

No you didn't. You are mentally and technically incapable of reading the theory. But just to see if I owe you an apology explain this:

E^2 - (pc)^2 = m^2*C^4

dehammer wrote:
"and from reading what researchers said"

Nonsense. Absolute and total nonsense. What did you read? Provide title, author, and pubication. Any three will do.

You really do need to put down the shovel.

DA Morgan