One very last thing for you D A MORGAN to consider and its of some interest to others on this site. If D A MORGAN thinks that sea level will rise by 5 metres in 50 years because of ice sheet melt(lol)what do you think will happen to the gulf stream. I will tell you exactly, its not gonna take much more fresh water to dilute the salt in the gulf stream belt and making it cut off completely. Without the warm water it brings to GB and europe the whole of the northern hemisphere will experience a mini ice age. You see the gulf stream acts as the earths thermostat, if the earth gets too hot it cuts off. Everyone is worrying about coastline loss but when the belt cuts off we are gonna gain coastline well where i live anyway( the north sea was once a large land mass)The predicted future sea rise of 5mm a year(which i dont believe)will cut the belt off way way before too much coastline is lost(if any).