Originally posted by DA Morgan:
dehammer asks:
"please explain this the person one is not moveing. person two is moving at .99 percent of light. light is moving away from the second person at light speed, so how fast is the SAME light moving away from person two."

At light speed.

Both obsevers measuring the speed of light will measure the exact same value.
the speed of light will be measured by both to be the same, but the one that is moving at nearly the same speed will, if he can overcome the time dialation problem, that the light is only a small amount faster than him. if he cant over come it. the fact that he has slowed down so much will make it appear to him to still be moveing the same speed. this is because he will be moving only 1/386000 as fast as the guy that is not moving in relation to light.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.