You posted:

"to get back to the original question.

time is relative to the speed. that has been proven. if you were able some how to go as close to the speed of light as it is possible for matter to do, time for you would have slow down so much that the tiny difference in the speed of light would make it appear that the light was still moving away from you as normal."

Its called 'relativity` because you cannot measure
your velocity except relative to something else.
No matter what your speed, you will perceive the
velocity of light as 'C`.
It is a property of space/time. If you think in
terms of space alone you are led into error.

( google 'Fitzgerald/Lorentz` contraction.)

You posted:
"We recite that light travels at about 186,281 miles per second because that is what we measure in this solar system."

Miles/second is distance/time - a property
of 'space/time` not 'space`. - Same admonition.


"Some days it's just not worth chewing
through the Restraints."