please explain this the person one is not moveing. person two is moving at .99 percent of light. light is moving away from the second person at light speed, so how fast is the SAME light moving away from person two.

light has only one speed. it cant move away from two ppl at two different speeds.

let me do this in another way.

person 1 is standing still. person 2 is moving away in a plane doing .99 mach (the speed of sound). how fast is the sound wave (from the plane traveling away from person 1) traveling in relation ship to person 1)

the answer for those who cant figure out simple physics is simple. sound travels at a given speed at a given air pressure at a given tempature no matter who is measuring it. the person 1 will measure the speed at the speed of sound. the person in the aircraft will measure it at the speed of sound. yet in relation to the jet, the sound wave is only traveling a small amount faster than he is.

the same is true of light. it has a given speed. einstein proved it. test since then have proved it. our understanding of the distance of object in space is based on this. if speed light changes depending on how fast the person or object generating it is moving, all of our understanding of the size of the universe, not to mention the placement of the stars, will have to be completely rewritten.

(note: for the sake of simplisty i use mach as being the exact speed of sound. aircraft mach numbers are actually just a little bit faster due to the fact that an aircraft traveling at precisely mach would soon have a lot of trouble due to the vibrations caused by traveling at that speed. i cant explain it that well, but being a veteran of the usaf, ive learn a few things concerning mach capable a/c)

light moves away at its speed. if your moving at a different speed, the difference in the speed and yours would not be precisely light speed. that has been proven.

have you ever heard of something called redshifting.

its a long time understood principle.

light has frequency. the color you see is a product of the precise frequency or combinations of frequency of the light that reaches your eyes.

when a object is moving towards you, since light cant speed up the wavefronts are compressed, causing the frequency to increase. this increase cause the light to appear to be reder than it would otherwise. simularly object moving away from you have the frequency of their wavefronts spread out causing the light to be blueshifted (appears to be more blue). this allows scientist to determine the approximate speed and direction of stars in relationship to the earth (or more precisely the observer). if light moving from a star that was approaching the earth moved at precisely the speed of light in relationship to the star, it would be moving faster in relationship to the earth and would therefore never redshift.

a simular situation occurs with train whistles. if you stand at a crossroad when the train blows it whistle, it will sound a certain way depending on its speed in relationship to you. if the train is motionless, it will sound the same as it does to the engineer. if the train is moving towards you the sound increases in pitch, sounding higher in scale than it does to the engineer. as the train moves away, the pitch drops, sounding lower than it does to the engineer. in light this is called redshifting and blue shifting. the speed of light in a vaccuum and the speed of sound at given pressure and tempature are both constant.

if your correct, einstein and all the other scientist are wrong. all the star maps nasa has made are wrong. all the understanding of the movements of the planets are wrong.

i am aware that ppl will see what they see no matter what. since you cant change the placement of your center of awareness, (at least most ppl cant) your not going to see anything from any different perspective than that. the car moving 120 miles an hour will be moving towards you weither its moving along the road or is parked and your falling (at least until impact then everything changes).

i am also aware that there is no "universal refernce point". but you can specify something as a reference point and the speed of light is a good one since it has a constant speed. in any converstation there has to be a reference point or there cant be any understanding.

how much understanding would there be if you were talking with a red shoe as a reference point and the next guy was talking about blue fish. a discussiong of apples and oranges would be with a reference point of fruit, not apples or oranges. otherwise there is no understanding.

the more man learns, the more he realises, he really does not know anything.