Originally Posted By: Orac
I would ask you what came before the eternal universe because your crazy layman logic demands that we have a start point

Orac, I will not be drawn into an exchange of insults by suggesting that you are not intelligent enough to understand the meaning of “eternal”; so I can only assume you are being deliberately obtuse in suggesting that the concept of an eternal universe “demands that we have a start point”.

The chicken and egg problem is probably the most widely known which is probably only resolvable to those who don't accept evolution.

On the contrary, evolution provides a perfectly reasonable explanation for the so called chicken and egg problem.

Some time ago you said that you posted in SAGG only to exercise your English. Are you losing sight of your goal?

In the same way that I provided you with the word you were looking for in your first post in SAGG, I am very happy to continue to help by maintaining interaction. However, your apparent need to score points at any cost does seem to be detracting from any inherent value this exercise might have. We are all well aware that you possess a lively vocabulary of insults. Perhaps it’s time to raise your linguistic sights a little.

There never was nothing.