Originally Posted By: Bill S.
Until someone can explain how something can spontaneously emerge from nothing, I think there is a very strong argument for maintaining that something has always existed.

I love the logic says there has always been something so very layman smile

That answer is no more likely than the reverse and you simply have no data to make a judgement. You live in one tiny little backwater of space and only have your tiny insignificant experience of the universe and you want us to rely on your view.

Science history has taught you very little and I guess the Earth is Flat, it is the centre of the universe and the sun rotates about the earth because that is how it appeared to some very limited human experience people for long periods of time in history. We have a name for those believers as well smile

Originally Posted By: Bill S.
If something has always existed it is, by definition, eternal. Eternity is a concept of infinity. Ergo, something is infinite, or we would not be here to raise questions, meaningless or otherwise.

That is a lovely religion and it is even at odds with most other religions which have the universe created by a god. So all the scientists and other religions need to convert is that the process?

Do your cult followers knock on doors on weekend to convert the unwashed masses? smile

As this has moved into the religious domain I will definitely leave you to it.

Last edited by Orac; 12/09/14 01:05 AM.

I believe in "Evil, Bad, Ungodly fantasy science and maths", so I am undoubtedly wrong to you.