thx for the praise. I am not gifted, but I have a well basic on maths. I can just run through and understand all the mathematical abstract formulas. Like Hamiltonian operators and Hermition Operator. Thx Orac. You really solve many of my difficulties on "non-maths" in Hermition Operator.
this describe well.. Thx Revlgking. And my last question smile

I have some problems on bra-ket vector.
alpha lA> + beta lB> = lZ>
<ZlZ>=alpha alpha* + beta beta* + alpha* beta <AlB> + alpha beta* <BlA>
And the probability should added up and equals to 1. So
<ZlZ> = 1
And now,
alpha alpha* + beta beta* = 1
<AlB> and <BlA> = 0 am I right?