Originally Posted By: paul

so the springs are at the point where you measured.
the legend of your diagram only shows the verticle reaction force.

Oh yea I didn't mention that. When I looked at the animation it sunk down then bounced up. The whole thing took about 2s and it was at the bottom of its deflection at 1s.


basically what your saying is that the springs are
compressed with 6400N , for 2 springs.

No, that's the vertical force. The springs got an average of 1500N each.

Nonetheless, it's pretty amazing that the vertical force averaged to 4000N on both legs. I didn't have to tweak anything (except the springs to get the 2s you specified), despite the arbitrary angles of the legs and arbitrary overall dimensions.


I think that without the math to examine , I will have
to decline your programs results.

Fair enough. Lets focus on the static. Can you respond to my last message about that?