Chinese factory workers earn about 10 times that, and plenty of people earn much more.

I see your point that the parts costs are higher in a low-wage country. But if (a big if) you're already paying international prices for power, and using just as much, then you can automatically afford the solar panel with the same couple of years pay-back.

Actual $0.13/hour workers probably aren't paying power bills!

Your idea of taking jobs from the poorest people to make the richest even richer is pretty unethical!! Every working American should be happy to take a big pay cut if it means a whole family in India can afford enough food. Try telling your idea to a low-paid factory worker who's elderly parents will die without their work. There is very little adult slave labor these days. Typically the workers are only bound by their desire for money. Just as many workers in America are.

It's win-win really. Nobody can doubt that China is a much better place to live today than it was before it started making things for Americans. And America is better off too!