there are thousands of instances of spam on this forum.

most are found in the link of the signature line that
links to a web site.

such as the signature line of the starting thread in this thread.

all links are not spam however , as some links point to further relative data or comparison data that helps the readers more clearly understand the topic.

my post and link was to clarify to the readers that solar power does not require 10 years to repay the initial cost , if the initial cost is lower per watt.

as the starting poster of this thread has found a great power supply for campers , yet the per watt cost of this unit is way above the cost of a home power supply when using solar cells that are purchased for $1.34 a watt.

not the D.O.E estimated $15.00 a watt.

the D.O.E does not really want people to save money on energy , not large quantities of it.
they protect the fuel tax income that is part of their job it seems.
they mostly just advertise that they want people to become more energy efficient.

that is why they do not fund anything that would save energy and that is why they always give the funding dollars they get to large corporations that will also protect that tax income by not saving any energy.

3/4 inch of dust build up on the moon in 4.527 billion years,LOL and QM is fantasy science.