The desire is inherent to ones true Self and bubbles up thru the quagmire of thoughts dreams and ideals the egoic mind plays with.
Stanford University did a study and came up with the notion that we think some 50 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Many of them counter productive or conflicting with other thoughts, many of them repetitive. The mind lost in this pattern idealizes that happiness is associated to events linked to happy moments experienced in the past. By associating these thoughts into direction the mind uses the past to idealize the future thinking both the thoughts of good and bad from the past to try and hold a future thought of good for the future.

Ever try to hold a single idea in the mind for a length of time?

Try it sometime and see just how long it takes before it becomes convoluted or before other thoughts invade the thinking process.

Everyone wants to be permanently satisfied, not temporarily. Passing thoughts and experiences cannot do that. Only elevating the mind beyond the chatter to still the mind can do that.

IF one happens to listen to something different than the usual chatter they can get in touch with their greatest desire and that will (if they follow it) lead them to greater awareness in the stillness of mind. The mind then naturally dives deeper than the surface level of thoughts rising above the chatter of surface impressions by elevating the thinking process beyond the lesser ideals created from superstition to find its Self. That Self is much more in tune with reality than the programs created from past impressions which are full of apprehension, (fear) and ideals that create temporary happiness mixed with illusions of recreating past scenarios of unhappiness.

There are natural ways to allow the mind to take its natural course, and there are traditional superstitions to force the mind into compliance.
The natural way is the choice I would make and as nature takes its course our bodily mechanisms begin to function in accord with the greater part of our Self.

You think, therefore if you can follow the thought back to its source you can find yourself in the source of thoughts and you would be surprised to find you are more than just man. Being man is just one of many thoughts.

I was addicted to the Hokey Pokey, but then I turned myself around!!